Organic Content

Formats Matter: Elevate Your Video's Success Story in 60 Seconds

October 7, 2024

2 min read

So your video flopped. Here’s how to turn it into your first viral success in 60 seconds.

Just because it flopped doesn’t mean your core message was bad, you just need to change how you have packaged it.

Let's Talk Formats: Your Video's Makeover

When a video doesn't quite hit the mark, it doesn't mean the message is flawed. It simply suggests that the way it was packaged didn't quite connect with your audience. The key here is to unleash the power of formats – different ways to present your content that breathe new life into your creative process.

The Magic Lies in Formats: Unleashing Potential Viral Hits

Picture this: You wanted to create a video about baking a cake, right? But your first attempt was a bit…undercooked. Don’t hang up your oven mitts yet. The same idea can be approached from multiple angles, each offering a fresh take on the core concept:

  • $1 Vs $1,000 Cake
  • How to Bake a Cake with Just Dollar Store Ingredients
  • This Cake Takes 100 Hours to Make

These diverse packaging options are like the secret recipes of content creation – we call them "formats." By delving into and researching different formats, you'll unlock game-changing insights that can breathe new life into your previous video.

Ready to Make the Magic Happen?

Choose a format that clicks with your revamped vision and use it as your recipe to give your underperforming video a serious glow-up. By infusing your content with a fresh format, you're primed to unleash its full potential and watch it take off to exciting new heights of success.

So, once you've settled on a format, here's the next big step. It's all about digging deep into what makes that format click and how it manages to go viral. But how do we do that? Well, it all comes down to data. Here at Hook Point, we've come up with a research process that really dives into the nitty-gritty details of what makes content perform well on organic social media. By analyzing these specific elements, we can start to piece together a theory about why content does so well and how we can recreate those same elements in our own content. With this data as our guide, we end up with a kind of blueprint for the format, almost like a recipe, that directs us in creating content that's sure to hit the mark.

Let's not allow a little setback to cramp your creative style. Embrace the power of formats, and watch your content go from an underperforming video to a jaw-dropping, must-see viral sensation!

Feeling pumped to overhaul your video's performance? Let's dive into making it a triumph worth cheering about!

Want help with your social media strategy? Connect 1-on-1 with Hook Point's team here to see if we are the right fit to work together.



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