Profile Image of Chris CobbProfile Image of Chris Cobb

Chris Cobb

Despite the inherent challenge of making topics such as life insurance and finances appealing on social media, Chris has found a way to transform seemingly dull subjects into compelling content.


Expand his audience and showcase his skills and expertise


Chris CobbChris Cobb


Chris Cobb is not just a Life Insurance and Financial Advisor; he's a game-changer in a highly competitive industry. Despite the inherent challenge of making topics such as life insurance and finances appealing on social media, Chris has found a way to transform seemingly dull subjects into compelling content.


Introducing "Explained in 60 seconds," a popular content format pioneered by Chris. These concise and clear tutorials demystify topics like paying taxes, securing car insurance, and purchasing a home. His innovative content strategy has been a resounding success. However, it requires a significant time investment and necessitates a constant stream of fresh video ideas to maintain viewer engagement.


Chris partnered with Hook Point to revolutionize his creative process. We empowered his team in two distinct and impactful ways.


First, we showcased the application of the Communication Algorithm to every piece of language used in his digital content, landing pages, and all written or spoken exchanges. The Communication Algorithm delivers a robust framework that ensures a connection with a staggering 75% of your target audience.

Next, we introduced Chris to the Viral Content Model, a game-changing approach that signifies the shift from traditional marketing strategies to a research-based assessment of high-performing digital content. We empowered him with the knowledge to pinpoint successful social media content, decipher why it triumphs, and leverage those insights in his own work. We then guided him in incorporating this data into his creative process, effectively optimizing his ideation, and production, and freeing up more time for him to run his business.


The results were nothing short of outstanding. Chris shared how implementing Hook Point's tried-and-true formula dramatically ramped up his efficiency. Prior to this, he and his editor would labor for 2 to 3 weeks meticulously planning and filming a single video. Now, they effortlessly complete this task in a single evening. In the business world, time is an invaluable asset. Hook Point's data-driven approach empowers you to work with precision and intelligence, ensuring your efforts are always targeted and impactful.

Partnering with Hook Point has given Chris the freedom to focus on growing his business and expanding his social media presence. He boasts over 462,000 followers and 20 million views on TikTok, along with 86,000 followers and 50 million views on Instagram.

Chris says, “When you talk about preparation, knowing about what to do, how to do it, and helping creators create more and making it easier for them, that’s what they do. If you’re someone who’s looking to grow your business, looking to grow your presence, you need ideas, you need content, you just need help figuring things out. Working with them was a no-brainer. It was definitely worth it. Give Hook Point a try.”


Chris Cobb's work with Hook Point shows how effective strategic, data-informed content creation can be. By employing techniques such as the Communication Algorithm and Viral Content Model, he was able to enhance his content creation process, increase efficiency, and boost his social media influence. This not only saved time but also underscored the importance of understanding data in today's digital era.

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